FAQs - MBS Communications, LLC

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should small / medium businesses & nonprofits choose MBS Communications? Find the answer to this question and others…

Why should I choose MBS Communications, LLC?

If you’re an entrepreneur, small business owner or nonprofit organization looking for quality, cost-effective communication tools, then you’ve come to the right place. MBS Communications specializes in using solid marketing and instructional design techniques to step you through the creative process. We stress the value of content and present it in a clear, effective way. Personal service & support is our mantra. We work with you during the process and are there for you after the process. You’ll soon find that MBS Communications is the perfect solution for your small business or nonprofit communication needs.

What services do you provide?

MBS Communications, LLC specializes in: copywriting, editing, email marketing, WordPress website development, website maintenance and organic search engine optimization (SEO). We also provide photographic and graphic design, if needed.

Why do you recommend WordPress as a content management system?

Quite simply, WordPress is easy, flexible and search-engine friendly. There are many great WordPress Child Themes that MBS Communications can customize to fit your business or nonprofit needs. Why re-invent the wheel when you can build on a solid foundation? It’s that easy!

Can I integrate Social Media into both my website and email marketing campaign?

Absolutely, you can integrate a variety of Social Media into your Email Marketing efforts as well as your website. As your marketing hub, your website should always contain the most complete, up-to-date information on your business. Social Media provides various ways to engage and exchange information with your customers. If you need assistance setting up social media venues or writing profiles, we can help.

Do you provide Email Marketing Services?

Yes, since your standard email account is not designed to send a mass text or HTML message to your clients, MBS Communications uses a variety of powerful and affordable web-based email marketing tools such as: Vertical Response, MailChimp or Constant Contact.  Professional email marketing programs are approved as bulk mailers, comply with email laws, provide list hosting and management, handle formatting, offer a variety of great looking customizable formats, and, most importantly, deliver measurable results. Remember, as a small business owner or nonprofit organization, it’s never too late to start  “Spreading Your Word!

How can I register a domain name?

Domain registration is very easy. Since your Domain name is your internet identity, it’s helpful if it closely matches your business name, product or service. It typically has a .com, .net, or .org at the end of it. To determine if the domain name you want is available, visit Go Daddy. If it is available, you can register it yourself at that time, or we can register it on your behalf. Domains need to be renewed once a year or on a multi-year basis.

Where can I host my website?

A host is also called a server – where all of your web pages are housed. There are several hosting companies to choose from. You can host with any company you wish. However, it is easier and more efficient for us to take care of technical details if you host with one of the companies that we frequently work with. Most hosting accounts do need to be renewed either once a month or once a year.

Do you work with out-of-state clients?

Yes, even though MBS Communications is located in Central Iowa, we’re able to work with any client located in the United States. In fact, the website designed for Glendale Aero Services located in Glendale, AZ, was completely done via emails & phone calls.

What’s included in your service?

Whether you need writing, editing, email marketing, WordPress website development, or organic search engine optimization (SEO), we’ll systematically step you through the process. You’ll be informed of each step, know what to anticipate, and what you’re responsible for. You’ll be asked to complete a series of questions which will help extract the needed information to begin the design process.

How long does the web design process take?

We work together to determine the time frame. The more organized you are upfront, the quicker development will be. If you’re responsive and can get information and requested material back to us in a timely manner, you’ll find that staying on schedule is not a problem.  A basic website may take a few days. A more involved site may take a month or longer.

How can I help save money having a website built?

You can save money on web development by being as organized as possible. This means having your content ready in electronic form (Microsoft Word, etc), photos, graphics, logos. If you do need assistance with writing, editing, graphic design, photo cropping, saving your images in the right format and file size, we’re more than happy to assist you.

How do I get my site to show up on Google or other search engines?

To generate traffic to your website, it’s important to optimize your site. Site optimization is best done in the web design stage. MBS Communications will help define keywords and incorporate them into your content. We’ll write page descriptions, Meta tags and ALT tags for each page of your site. We’ll also register your site with the primary search engines: Google, MSN’s Bing and Yahoo. After registration, it does take a while before search engines fully index your site. To measure your site’s traffic and progress, we’ll also sign you up for an analytics program. You’ll find out in more detail the number of visits to your site, what geographic location your site visitors are from, which search engine & search terms (keywords) visitors used to find your site, etc.

How long do you maintain a site after completion?

After final payment, MBS Communications will maintain your website at no charge for the following 3 months. After that, we will gladly maintain your site for a small fee or turn over site maintenance to you. Remember, after visitors find your site, you also want to provide a reason for them to return.

What software is required to update my website?

It depends on the software used to create your website. MBS Communications specializes in WordPress that can be updated anywhere and at anytime. An account number/user name and password is all that’s required to access your software online. It’s fast, it’s easy, it makes sense!

How much will a website cost?

It depends. There are all kinds of websites (Brochure, E-commerce, etc.) A small business website can be simple & straightforward or contain many posts or pages with various options/plugins: photos, graphics, text, hyperlinks, a contact form, rotating images or text, etc. Please contact us and we’ll be glad to discuss your personal requirements in detail.

Will you teach me how to maintain my own site?

Yes, if you’d like to maintain your own site, we’ll create a customized User Guide that will help you understand the software and everything associated with website maintenance. A superior website is one that is constantly improved and refined.

How is your payment system set up?

Upon approval of service, one-half of the payment is required up front. The final payment is due upon project completion.

What software is required to update my website?

It depends on the software used to create your website. MBS Communications specializes in WordPress that can be updated anywhere and at anytime. An account number/user name and password is all that’s required to access your software online. It’s fast, it’s easy, it makes sense!

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MBS Communications, LLC
Clive, Iowa 50325


Mary Shetler successfully completed the Local SEO course!